
313 rows


Column Type Size Nulls Auto Default Children Parents Comments
id text 2147483647 null
sign.fk_official_sign fkey_vl_official_sign R
active bool 1 true
value_de text 2147483647 null
value_fr text 2147483647 null
value_it text 2147483647 null
value_ro text 2147483647 null
description_de text 2147483647 null
description_fr text 2147483647 null
description_it text 2147483647 null
description_ro text 2147483647 null
img_de text 2147483647 null
img_fr text 2147483647 null
img_it text 2147483647 null
img_ro text 2147483647 null
img_height int4 10 100
img_width int4 10 100
no_dynamic_inscription int4 10 0
default_inscription1 text 2147483647 null
default_inscription2 text 2147483647 null
default_inscription3 text 2147483647 null
default_inscription4 text 2147483647 null
directional_sign bool 1 false
img_de_right text 2147483647 null
img_fr_right text 2147483647 null
img_it_right text 2147483647 null
img_ro_right text 2147483647 null


Constraint Name Type Sort Column(s)
official_sign_pkey Primary key Asc id

Check Constraints

Constraint Name Constraint
directional (((directional_sign IS FALSE) OR ((img_de_right IS NOT NULL) AND (img_fr_right IS NOT NULL) AND (img_it_right IS NOT NULL) AND (img_ro_right IS NOT NULL))))
